I just wanted to share my information about working with A.D.H.D. Adolescents to help optimize their experiences. I have dealt with Children, Adolescents & Adults with A.D.H.D. for over 24 years now and have noticed that transitions for them have been difficult. They need specialized attention because life during and after key transitions can be challenging for everyone, but often derailing for people with ADHD. Thus, one-to-one guidance for students is essential for successful transitions. An exploration of A.D.H.D. symptoms and previous accommodations will be used to develop a full plan, built for individual needs, and for managing school issues and with optimal support. Together, we will create a flexible plan that will comprehensively meet the needs of A.D.H.D. individuals: Cognitive & Achievement Testing for Accommodations, self-management and developing a plan to ask for accommodations.